Today's post is written by: Adeyela Albury
Bennett, parent & guest writer

My daughters are
clearly gifted, but yet to be recognized as such by the school system. So, yes,
I used to cry.
But, like Fannie
Lou Hamer, I grew weary of crying. I grew sick and tired of my girls being left
out of special school programs that, ultimately, would provide them with a more
positive educational experience and put them on the fast track for scholarships
to prep schools and Ivy League universities. Armed with divinely inspired
wisdom, knowledge, understanding -- and courage -- I am now fighting back
against inequities at my daughters’ school. Instead of crying, I now pray … and
advocate on behalf of my children, and all children of color, who are brilliant
and creative, yet unrecognized as gifted.
Nationally, six to
ten percent of the population is intellectually gifted, according to the
National Association of Gifted Children ( Sadly, children of
color are dreadfully underrepresented in Gifted Education programs. In fact, white
children with identical standardized test scores in math and reading as Black
children are twice as likely to be placed into gifted programs, according to a
recent study by researchers from Vanderbilt University
(Grissom & Redding study)
At our daughters’
school, a significant number of students in kindergarten through Grade 5 at our
school have been identified as gifted. The overwhelming majority of the gifted
students are white, either Caucasian or Hispanic white. Most of them attend gifted
classes all day, but some are enrolled in the full-time Extended Foreign
Language program, and study in Spanish and English
Here are six tips
for parents who want their children considered for their school district’s
gifted program services:
1. Cultivate
a positive relationship with teachers and administrators. Get to know your
School Board representative and become active in the Parents Teachers Association.
Be visible at the school. Teachers can be your greatest ally or worst
enemy in your quest to have your child recognized as gifted.
2. As early as Kindergarten, request for your child to be tested for gifted. Keep a record of all communication. If you have the economic means, also consult with a private psychologist, preferably of the same racial and/or cultural background. Prep your child for the IQ or Ability Test evaluation. Find out the minimum Ability Score OR full scale Intelligent Quotient score your state requires for gifted placement. However, they may have to meet additional criteria, such as high academic scores on the report card and standardized tests, and high scores on the teacher-rated gifted characteristics and creativity checklists.
3. Prior to meetings with school officials, request advanced copies of student records to be discussed. This gives you a chance to review the data for accuracy, and prepares you to intelligently discuss your child’s education. Take a knowledgeable family member, friend or advocate with you to take notes and lend support at meetings.
4. If your child doesn’t qualify, find out why. Know your rights to appeal. Find out if the IQ instrument used by the psychologist is culturally appropriate. Also, check for inconsistent or disparate scores in the psychological report that could indicate a disability that may qualify for federal Section 504 Accommodation. Closely review the teacher-rated checklists, because they are subjective. Be aware that districts generally fail to provide teachers with adequate training on identifying gifted characteristics.
5. Network and form alliances to stay abreast of scholarly research and news articles about gifted education. Seek advice and support from school educators, academics, parents of gifted children, religious organizations, social media bloggers and civic groups that focus on education equity issues.
6. Speak up! Attend advisory council meetings. write elected officials and the school superintendent to report any discrepancies in the process. Write newspaper editors, and radio and television stations to tell your story
2. As early as Kindergarten, request for your child to be tested for gifted. Keep a record of all communication. If you have the economic means, also consult with a private psychologist, preferably of the same racial and/or cultural background. Prep your child for the IQ or Ability Test evaluation. Find out the minimum Ability Score OR full scale Intelligent Quotient score your state requires for gifted placement. However, they may have to meet additional criteria, such as high academic scores on the report card and standardized tests, and high scores on the teacher-rated gifted characteristics and creativity checklists.
3. Prior to meetings with school officials, request advanced copies of student records to be discussed. This gives you a chance to review the data for accuracy, and prepares you to intelligently discuss your child’s education. Take a knowledgeable family member, friend or advocate with you to take notes and lend support at meetings.
4. If your child doesn’t qualify, find out why. Know your rights to appeal. Find out if the IQ instrument used by the psychologist is culturally appropriate. Also, check for inconsistent or disparate scores in the psychological report that could indicate a disability that may qualify for federal Section 504 Accommodation. Closely review the teacher-rated checklists, because they are subjective. Be aware that districts generally fail to provide teachers with adequate training on identifying gifted characteristics.
5. Network and form alliances to stay abreast of scholarly research and news articles about gifted education. Seek advice and support from school educators, academics, parents of gifted children, religious organizations, social media bloggers and civic groups that focus on education equity issues.
6. Speak up! Attend advisory council meetings. write elected officials and the school superintendent to report any discrepancies in the process. Write newspaper editors, and radio and television stations to tell your story
We must ALL do our part to ensure
EQUITY and ACCESS in Gifted Education!
Adeyela Bennett is a parent, an
international educator and social justice advocate. You may contact her at