Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jenkins Award for Gifted Black Students- NEW DEADLINE - Oct 10th!!

Award Announcement:  The Dr. Martin D. Jenkins Scholar Award for Highly Gifted Black Students (6th - 12th Graders)

Dr. Martin D. Jenkins
This student award is named in honor of Dr. Jenkins, Father of Research on Gifted Blacks, and it is designed to honor the achievements of highly gifted Black students who excel academically in school.  
Award Benefits.  Recipients:
·  will receive $300 Cash Award and certificate of recognition 
·  and parents will receive 1 year Parent membership in NAGC and Special Populations Network;
·  are required to attend OR share a 3 minute video during a featured session at NAGC on Fri. Nov. 14th, 2014 12:30-2:45 pm
·  are required to share brief end of school year report on academic progress by email.
To Apply. Download the application file.
·  MS Word File of Jenkins Scholar Award Application:
·  In order to receive full consideration, materials must be received by Friday, October 10, by 5:00 pm. (deadline extended) Awardees and nominators will be notified by email and phone call by October 17th. 
Email all materials to the following three Jenkins Scholar committee members and let us know if you have any questions. 
·  Dr. Joy Lawson Davis, ( Virginia Union Univ., NAGC Executive Board Member. GRACE & SPN Member
·  Dr. Donna Y. Ford, ( , Vanderbilt Univ., NAGC Gifted Racial Accountability & Commitment to Equity (GRACE) Co-Chair
·  Dr. Tarek Grantham, ( Univ. of Georgia, NAGC Special Populations Network Convention Program Chair


  1. You're all right, and I have been wrong.

    I will now stand beside you, in Society.

    I will assume my role.

    Nikola Tesla
    Martin Luther
    Robin Hood
    Jimi Hendricks
    Harry Houdini
    Sarah Bernhardt
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    Marquis deSade
    Johnny Appleseed

    I will also take my Meds.

    Marc Breed
    America's Fetish Photographer

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